Guide for Authors
Style and format
1. All manuscripts must be submitted as electronic files.
2. Submissions must follow APA style, as outlined in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (7th ed.).
3. Manuscripts should be single-spaced throughout in an 11-point Arial font, including quotations and a 9-point Arial font for references.
4. Headings should be correctly used to indicate the organisation of the manuscript.
5. Manuscripts should be submitted with an abstract, limited to 250 words, in an 11-point Arial font. The abstracts should be clearly written. Avoid long, complicated sentences and in-text citations.
6. Acknowledgement, if there is, should appear as a separate note at the end of your manuscript.
7. Submissions should be between 4000 and 8000 words, including references, notes and tables.
8. Provide five keywords.
Submitting the manuscript
1. The manuscript can be emailed to
2. Submit your manuscript and references separately.
3. Use the online submission to submit your paper.
4. Format your manuscript according to Borneo Akademika Template.
5. Use the Checklist before submitting your manuscript.
View Checklist
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Download Manuscript Template